“Mind is everything. All that we are is the result of what we have thought. What we think we become”.

As these words of the wise rightly say, it is our thoughts that make us feel the emotions and certain reactions in the body at any particular moment. If we think of good things we become happy but an immediate change to sad memories can also make us cry. Once we begin to understand and pay attention to our mind, we come to see its positive and negative tendencies.  We have thousands of thoughts that run through our mind at any given moment. If you really pay attention you will see that about 95% of those thoughts are those that originate from past memories. This will help you realize that how you think is simply a function of habit and conditioning. If you are always worrying it is simply from a negative thinking habit. We can access our memories, strong emotions to do this habit evaluations and change them in a more positive way. There is an effective method to do so and that is through Hypnosis.

Hypnosis is a method by which a person can be guided into an altered state of consciousness called the trance state. It is characterized by a deep state relaxation with increased suggestibility. Everyone goes into natural altered 'trance' states every day without even realizing it. Anyone who is willing to co-operate with the therapist and follow simple instructions can be hypnotized with some people capable of reaching even deep trance state. Psychological therapy done in conjunction with the hypnotic trance state is called as Hypnotherapy. It is often classed as a form of complementary medicine but is perhaps better viewed as a branch of psychotherapy. It is not an occult esoteric art but a science-based therapeutic discipline. Utilizing the state of deep trance, the therapist assists the client in uncovering and exploring thoughts, emotions and memories which have been affecting the person's present state of mind. Thus, hypnotherapy has been known to help in psychological disorders.

There has been a lot of research on hypnotherapy in recent times with new developments in this field. One of them is Cognitive Hypnotherapy, formally endorsed by the American Psychological Association as an empirically supported therapy. The other new development is Mindfulness-based Hypnotherapy. Clinical Hypnotherapy sessions designed with these treatment protocols are proving very effective for treating or alleviating certain specific psychological and psychosomatic disorders.