•  Fatigue
  • Low energy
  • Difficulty in concentrating
  • Mood disturbance
  • Decreased performance


1. ANXIETY - The person who is worried and nervous. Feel more disturbed, sleep pattern which than turn to insomnia.

2. DEPRESSION - It can be caused by psychiatric conditions such as depression. Psychological struggles can make it hard to sleep insomnia itself can bring on changes in mood and self in hormones and it can lead to both psychiatric issues and insomnia at the same time.


  • You work at home in the evening. This can make it hard to unwind and it can also make you feel preoccupied when it comes time to sleep. This light from your computer could also make your brain more alert.
  • You are a shift worker (meaning that you work irregular hour). Non - traditional hours can confuse your body's clock. Especially if you are trying to sleep during the day. Or if your schedule change periodically.

4. FOOD - Eating patterns also can contribute to insomnia.

  • Alcohol: It is a sedative. It can make you fall asleep initially but may disrupt your sleep later in night
  • Caffeine: It is a stimulant. Most people understand the alerted power of caffeine and use it in the morning to help them start the day and feel productive. Caffeine in moderation is fine for most people, but excessive caffeine can cause insomnia.
  • Nicotine: It is also stimulant and can cause insomnia. Smoking cigarettes or tobacco products to close to bedtime. Can make it hard to fall asleep and to sleep well through the night.
  • Heavy Meal: it close to bedtime can disrupt your sleep. The best practice is to eat light before bedtime. You cut out carbs and sweets in the night.

5. FOOD THAT IS AGED, FERMENTED OR CURED - Food such as cheese or salami, which is fermented, smoked or cured, can cause anxiety. During the fermentation process, the protein in the food is broken down by the bacteria into tiny molecules called biogenic amines. Biogenic amines that are found in fermented food is histamine, which is s powerful neurotransmitter. Histamine causes anxiety because it has the ability to increase adrenaline in our bodies.


1. CHANGE YOUR DIET: The first one in overcoming sleep deprivation is to change your diet - surprisingly for a lot of people, their diets are keeping them from falling asleep to really drop your carbs Consumption. If you are consuming too many sugar and carbs.

  • THE AMINO ACID - Eating starting at midday which is when it should begin building serotonin levels- that enhance sleep night. Includes turkey, chicken or tuna for dinner.
  • MILK - Although dairy can be problematic for some, a glass of milk before bed does help with sleep.
  • FOOD HIGH IN MAGNESIUM - Magnesium is known as the "Relaxation Mineral" and is included in green leafy vegetables, sesame and sunflower seeds and oats into your diet.
  • VITAMIN B - Organic meat, brewers, yeast, liver and green leafy vegetable are high in vitamin B. It's also helpful for insomnia like eggs, cashew nuts, sweets, potato, beetroot, onions, spinach, complex carbohydrates such as whole wheat bread, bajra, ragi, oats, ( good for nervous system ).

2. USE ESSENTIAL OILS - The next step to truly help you improve your sleep is using essential oil, especially lavender essential oil and chamomile essential oil. Chamomile tea also helpful for good sleep.

3. CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE - You probably need to change your lifestyle in order to find more insomnia cures. I recommend a few things to do around your home to help improve your sleep. Get the temperature in your house cold, definitely below 70 degrees and in winter make sure the heat source has been turned down. A nice and cold house will help improve your sleep. Another thing you want to do is make your bed is comfortable.

4. REDUCE STRESS - You need to do to overcome insomnia is to naturally reduce anxiety and stress. You watched TV and that visual stimulus, especially the blue light, up until the point that you went to bed, I recommend you start listening music before went to bed.


  • CAFFEINE - Don't consume caffeine after noon or at all if you are having difficulty in sleeping.
  • ALCOHOL - Stop drinking alcohol at least 2 hours before bed and drink in moderation.

  • SUGAR - Variations in blood sugar can cause insomnia.

  • HIGH-FAT FOODS - Fat slows down digestion and may lead to indigestion at night. Limit fried foods before bedtime.