Most of us know that FAILURE is a reality of life, and at some level, we understand that it actually helps us grow. Intellectually, we even acknowledge that the greatest achievers -- past and present -- also routinely experienced colossal failures. But still, we hate to fail.  

We fear it, we dread it, and when it does happen, we hold onto it.  We give it power over our emotions, and sometimes we allow it to dictate our way forward (or backward). 

Some of us go to great lengths to avoid failure because of all the pain and shame associated with it. Why is it so hard to let go, forgive ourselves and move on?  And how can we keep failure – or the fear of it -- from derailing us?

FAILURE IS A FUNCTION OF TRYING: The best way to measure our progress is something the number of something with “failures” we had. If we haven’t failed yet, chances are you aren’t trying very hard is quite low. 

Failure is the hammer that tempers the sword of success. If we want to get really good at something, we have to fail at least a few times. Because we can only with failure movement how can to win from that situation and can enjoy the movement of success after failure.