Mattresses have an average lifespan of about 10 years. However, some mattresses may remain in good condition beyond 10 years as well. Occasionally, mattresses may get worn out in less number of years.

When do you need to replace your mattress?

- Having muscle soreness or back pain when waking up in the morning.

- Having a disturbed sleep pattern when sleeping on this mattress, but getting better sleep when sleeping elsewhere.

- The mattress material looks worn out or torn, or the mattress is sagging in the middle.

- The mattress has hardened.

Selecting the right mattress

A good mattress should provide support to the body and keep the spine in proper alignment without creating pressure points. If a mattress does not offer adequate support, you are more likely to wake up sore or in pain. Deciding the extent of firmness depends on the sleeping position and body weight. The below information will provide insight about how to choose your mattress.

1) Sleeping position

A person may sleep on side, stomach or back. Each sleeping position has its own specific needs and ideal firmness level.

Sleeping on side – Those who lie on their sides don’t always remain in the same position. They may rotate, bent or straighten one or both legs. With this constant change, side sleepers need a mattress with soft to medium level firmness, usually in the 3-6 range out of 10 (where 10 is the firmest).

Sleeping on back – The ideal firmness is one that provides enough softness to eliminate pressure points, but still has great support. Usually a firmness level in the 4-7 range out of 10 is appropriate.

Sleeping on stomach – The torso will apply the most pressure to the mattress for stomach sleepers. For this reason, they need a mattress that provides equal support across their body. So the mattress should be flat and levelled while sleeping. A stomach sleeper will need a mattress in the 5-7 range.

2) Body weight

Support from a mattress is directly related to the body weight. Weight affects how much support is provided by mattress, based on total sinkage and pressure points. Individuals with higher body weight need more layers of support foam in the mattress.

Types of mattress

You can choose the type of mattress depending on your preference and needs. The commonly used types are mentioned below.

1) Hybrid - Made from a combination of latex, memory foam, polyurethane foams, coils etc. It is designed to give maximum benefits in the form of bounce, support, comfort. Best for people who want multiple benefits from the mattress. It is a good choice for majority of sleepers.

2) Latex - Built exclusively from latex foam. It is known for its cooling properties, comfort and bounce. Best for people who want comfort as well as firmness.

3) Memory foam - It is known for their great support, pressure relief, body contouring and even weight distribution. Earlier, memory foam surface used to be warm. However; newer designs of memory foams have superior cooling properties, creating a much cooler mattress than traditional memory foams. Best for sleepers who expect good pressure relief and support.

4) Coil or innerspring - One of the most popular and widely used mattress types. Made of multiple layers of spring coils (generally steel) that provide the support and comfort. Best for sleepers who want great bounce, cooling and strong edge support.

5) Pillow-top - Made of a layer of soft material either stuffed or sewn into the cover. This works to add extra comfort and cushion to the mattress. Best for those who prefer softer and more cushion comfort.

6) Adjustable - These beds offer the ability to change the sleeping position of the mattress, usually by elevating the feet and inclining the back. Some of these even possess the ability to vibrate, heat,and/or massage. Best for sleepers who have specific needs that can be achieved from an adjustable foundation. These needs typically come from certain medical conditions such as in elderly people, snorers, people with chronic lower back pain etc. Most foam mattresses are compatible with adjustable foundations.