At age 65, one out of 3 people have  hearing loss, but sometimes it's not bad enough to interfere with daily lives,so they just endure it.But these changes can have an impact in ways you may not notice. For instance, you might have to turn up the TV louder than usual or ask people to repeat themselves, both of which can strain your personal relationships.poor hearing also can increase your risk of injuries.One must get hearing checked if someone notice any recent changes — for ex., if one hear better in one ear  than the other, if one experience occasional pressure or pain in your ears, or if you have tinnitus (ringing in the ears).Sometimes hearing loss is caused by factors other than age, such as exposure to loud noises, injuries, viruses, and use of drugs like antibiotics and aspirin.ENT consulting is must,as doctor will -1.examine ear canal and eardrum to look for wax, middle ear or any condition that  interfere with sound transmission.A Rinne test, in which the doctor holds a vibrating tuning fork outside your ear and then places it on the bone behind your ear; any difference you notice can show whether sound traveling into your ear is partially blocked from fluid, wax buildup, or a mechanical problem inside the earA Weber test, in which the doctor places a vibrating tuning fork on the middle of your forehead to check if you hear the sound equally on both sides.If hearing loss is diagnosed ENT doctor will refer you to an audiologist who will test your hearing sensitivity, which is the range of sounds you can hear.If your hearing loss is significant enough, then hearing aid may be needed which should be fitted by audiologist.some buy from shops or online &this may not work.A proper evaluation,fitting proper mould etc only by trained,technicianDoctors must avoid selling on clinic unless an audiologist and acoustic treated room exist.Some patients where hearing aid does not work,hearing loss is profound or speech is very unclear, even at loud levels, cochlear  implant surgery, fitting speech processor etc is needed.Hearing loss can be a natural part of aging, but it's not the end of an active life.Make a point to get your ears and hearing checked on a regular basis.