The presence of excess body fat, cellulite and localised fat tissue represent a huge problem on our current society. Adipocytes and fat tissue in contrast to other tissues have a high sensitivity to cold. This condition of vulnerability to cold has allowed developing different procedures of fat tissue destruction through freezing effect.

New procedures to get a fat layer reduction and firming and modelling the body are continuously improving their features and methods of work. Since some years ago and until these days, the most common invasive way to remove fat tissue out of the body is by using liposuction procedure. The results of this process are contrasted but not out of risk. This is the reason that impulses to work improving no-invasive procedures with the purpose of become in real alternatives so as to reduce fatty tissue, cellulitis and firming and modelling the body.

Working on this way, Cryotechnology ( cooltech / cool sculpting ) device uses the newest non-invasive process that focuses controlled cooling, at very low temperatures until -8°C in a controlled way in order to get an aesthetic benefit by reducing cellulitis, adipose tissue and localised obesity.

During the procedure, a non-invasive applicator delivers precisely controlled cooling to target and eliminate fat cells in specific areas of your body.

The exposure to cooling causes the fat cells to begin a process of natural removal, which gradually reduces the thickness of the fat layer. The fat cells in the treated area are gently eliminated through the body’s normal metabolic processes, similar to how fat from food is eliminated.

Cryolipo is completely non-invasive, which allows immediate return to normal activities such as work or exercise. Redness may appear in the treated area, and may last from a few minutes to a few hours. Some localized bruising may occur, which clears within a few weeks. Many patients experience a temporary dulling of sensation in the treated area lasting one to eight weeks.

The Cryolipo Procedure is comfortable for most patients. No anesthesia and/or pain medication was needed during treatment in any patients in clinical trials. Typically patients are comfortable enough to read, work on their laptop computers, listen to music on headphones, or simply relax during the procedure. The areas that can be treated abdomen, abductors, arms, buttocks, flanks, hips, knees, thighs.

There is no recovery time after the procedure.You may resume your normal activities on the same day as your procedure, including work and exercise. In properly selected patients, the cryolipo procedure results in a noticeable, measurable reduction in fat bulges in two to four months. At that time, you and your doctor can meet to assess your cosmetic improvement and consider additional cryolipo procedures to achieve greater fat reduction.