Anal and Peri-Anal Fistula is a complex disease situation:

  • Discharges
  • Pus
  • Serous
  • Blood
  • Sometimes Stools

A small red coloured opening in the Buttocks, Thigh, Scrotal Peri-Anal area with small frequent discharges as mentioned above, with or without pain is noted.

The opening heals and after some time opens up with discharge.

The opening can happen due to various reasons i.e burst to open of an Abscess, Pregnancy,  IBS, TB, Chrons Disease, AIDS, Malignancy and Chronic infections. 

Proper drainage of Abscess cavity and daily dressing till healing will prevent Sinus or Fistula formation.

Fistula: Communication of the tract from intestine i.e rectum or Anus to the skin around the anal areas.

Sinus: Tract opening at the skin with a blind-ending that does not communicate with the intestines.

The only way to demonstrate the above is to inject a contrast and take X Rays or do an MRI.