Infertility is considered to be a condition that affects about 2 out of 10 couples. The diagnosis of the infertility is for the couple who are not able to conceive over a period of the year. If the infertility is in the female partner, it is known as female infertility. The factors of female infertility affect about one-fourth of infertility cases.

What leads to female infertility?

The most common causes of infertility in male include damage in the uterus or Fallopian tubes, ovulation or issue in the cervix. Age can also be the major factor of infertility because as the women start to age, her fertility will decrease naturally.

Abnormal mucus of the cervical can also lead to infertility. This can prevent the sperm from reaching the egg or make it tough for the sperm in the penetration of the egg.

How female infertility can be diagnosed?

  • It is assessed with the help of physical examination. It comprises of the medical history which includes the factors that will lead to infertility.
  • Breast and pelvic exam.
  • A blood or urine test for hormone or infection problem which also includes the functioning of the thyroid.
  • HSG, which is the x-ray.
  • A sample of cervical tissue and mucus to know if ovulation is taking place.
  • Laparoscope getting inside the abdomen to know about the condition of organs, adhesion, blockage or scar tissue.
  • Ultrasound to examine the ovaries and uterus.

Infertility problem treatment is essential to do in such cases. Ovulation tracking will also help the specialist to know about your fertility status.

If you are looking for the options of infertility problem treatment to increase the chances of fertility, you can talk to the specialist.