If you hate your neck and are tired of hiding behind turtlenecks and scarves, or your facial skin is sagging after facial palsy or as a result of aging now along with conventional facial stimulation and exercises ,nowadays treatment options are available for complete facial rejuvenation.

These  non-surgical devices can help reduce fat in the face, neck or body, tighten the skin and improve the skin quality without downtime. The energy used during treatment heats the deeper layers of the skin causing fat cells to shrink as the skin contracts stimulating new collagen. While not a replacement for a neck lift or a facelift.

What is technology? 

It is a  new technology that uses radio frequency (RF) energy for body and face contouring and skin tightening. It is a non-surgical office procedure that reduces fat and firms skin in the face and body. During  treatment, precisely controlled radio frequency energy is used to heat the deeper layers of the skin. This heat causes fat cells to shrink and contracts the skin tissue, stimulating new collagen production in the process.

Who is a good candidate for treatment?

it recommended for any patient between the ages of 25 and 70+ who desires cosmetic improvement, particularly those areas that show the signs of aging,requires complete examination and have to rule out contraindications  Not everyone is a good candidate. Patients that have auto-immune disorders or diseases, pacemakers, heart conditions, metal implants, active cancer and who may be pregnant are not candidates. This is not a complete list of contraindications and therefore, consultations are required.

How long is treatment 

 The treatment requires at least 5 sessions; the first 4 sessions performed every 7 to 10 days, with the 5th treatment at six weeks after your fourth session. Patients must increase water intake on the day before, the day of, and the day after the treatment. We also recommend that you stay busy and physically active throughout your treatment day. You can have additional treatments if desired to increase your results. Patients show persistent results at least six months after the  treatment because aging is a contionuous process so permanent results cannot be expected nut if you follow healthy life style duration can be  enhanced .

Is there any downtime?

There is no downtime with this procedure. There may be temporary pinkness or redness in the skin for about 20-30 minutes that quickly subsides. Since there is no downtime or special care required once you leave the office, you can carry on with the rest of your day’s activities immediately following treatment.