Weight Gain 

This is one of the most common side effects of consuming excess sweets during the festivals - weight gain. Even if you consume a lot of sweets just for a couple of days, you could gain a few kilos, as sweets contain a high amount of sugar, oil, butter, ghee, etc.

Difficult To Get Back In Shape 

The weight gained from consuming sweets during festivals like Diwali can definitely be very hard to shed and may even take a person, months to get back in shape, with a lot of hard work.

Affects Teeth 

Consuming excess sweets during Diwali can also affect your teeth negatively. The artificial sweeteners and sugar content present in most sweets can allow bacterial growth in your teeth, causing cavities and other teeth/gum problems.

Increases The Risk Of Diabetes 

Even if it is just for a few days, eating a lot of sugary foods and sweets could increase the risk of diabetes, especially if you are above the age of 40 and if you have a family history of diabetes. Sweets can affect the production of insulin in your body to cause diabetes later on.

Increases Cholesterol 

Levels Consuming a lot of sweets and other foods deemed unhealthy during the festivals can also increase the cholesterol levels of the body. High cholesterol is extremely dangerous for health and is one of the main causes for major cardiac diseases in people.

Increases The Risk Of Crohn’s 

Disease Many research studies have stated that eating a lot of sweets and foods prepared using artificial sweeteners during the festivals can increase the risk of Crohn's disease in people. Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel condition which causes constant stomach pain and other digestive issue