-cramp is a symptom,not a disease itself.It is due to irritation of nerve by pressure, or to increased excitability in a motor nerve. It is a spastic condition, due to over contraction of the muscle without relaxation.

-Cramp very frequently occurs in the calf- muscles, or in the sole of the foot (interossei).It may occasionally occur in the quadriceps,or the abdominal muscles. Other muscles-groups are sometimes attacked, but far less commonly.

-Patients suffering from nervous diseases, or recovering from peripheral nerve lesions or neuritis, may suffer acute attacks of cramp.


-Gastrocnemius cramp ,or cramp in the calf-muscles is the commonest form and one which has been experienced by most people at some time or another,generally while in bed at night.

-It is brought about by an over -strong planter-flexion of the foot,either passive-produced by the pressure of heavy bedclothes-or active.Strong work of the leg muscles and the coldness of the water produce cramp of some muscle -group in the leg,and disable the swimmer and sometime is the cause of fatality.


There is intense tonic spasm of the gastrocnemius, which feels as hard as  iron. The pain is very severe during the attack.


-When an attack of cramp occurs ,anyone present should try to stretch the affected muscle -group. In gastrocnenius cramp the knee should be straightened and ankle dorsiflexed.The  patient is  generally unable to reach his foot to do this for himself, and it is impossible for him to dorsiflex it actively against the spasm of the powerful calf -muscle

-Anyone subject to this form of cramp at night generally rises and tries to walk ,since,when he is putting his foot to the ground the ankle is dorsiflexed by the weight of his body. 

-soothing strokings and rhythmic kneading may also help to relax the muscles. and relieve the pain.
