Bleeding gums may or can be a precursor to serious gum disease. When you brush your teeth, if your gums bleed then you could be facing some very severe situations soon. Gum bleeding have been proven to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, and more. Bleeding gums may expose your entire circulatory system to the attack of every form of bacteria that is present in your mouth. Proper and timely treatment and procedures are recommended as “Prevention is better than cure”.

Bleeding Gum – Can be cured with Laser Treatment

Do you have swollen red gums or bleeding gums?If the answer is  “YES”, you may have gum disease or periodontal disease.

Many adults have some form of gum disease and most of those have no signs to indicate they have a problem. Bleeding gums is a serious problem and you should be seeing a dentist immediately. Bleeding gums either indicate the beginning of destructive process of the supporting tissue around the tooth (gum disease) or it might be any serious underlying or hidden problem.

Gum Disease or periodontal disease begins when the toxins found in plaque which is nothing but sticky thin layer of food and bacteria covering the tooth surface that attack the soft or gingival tissue surrounding the teeth. This microorganism creates bacterial toxin and the irritants that cause the gums to bleed. The bacteria embed themselves in the gum tissue and breed further, leading to infection. As the bacterial infection deepens into the tooth supporting tissue, the gums bleed. Over a relatively short period of time recede, teeth become loose and eventually results in teeth loss. Bleeding gums is a sign of the disease and the end effect is loosening and loss of the involved teeth.

Traditional techniques for treatment of Gum disease involves using sharp instruments to scrape the tartar from the root surfaces (scaling and root planing), allowing the gum tissue to reattach to the roots. However, when the disease progresses to a point where scaling and root planing would not be effective, gum surgery is indicated. With traditional periodontal surgery, the gum tissue is cut with a scalpel and pushed aside. The roots and bone are cleared of deposits and smoothed. Then the gum tissue is replaced and stitches are used while the gum heals, often resulting in long exposed roots that are sensitive, unsightly, and vulnerable to decay and infection.

We at 32 Pearls Dental Clinic use Laser to treat gum disease without cutting your gums and using stitches. Laser Assisted Procedure can accomplish the healing of your diseased periodontal tissue by laser treatment. We use Laser to treat many gum problems thus avoiding a surgery. Laser assisted treatment ensures more comfort, no bleeding and very fast healing. Within short period of your laser surgery your gums will look completely normal.

Bleeding Gums
Bleeding gums treated with Laser

Dr Reshma Phulwar

treat many gum problems thus avoiding a surgery. Laser assisted treatment ensures more comfort, no bleeding and very fast healing. Within short period of your laser surgery your gums will look completely normal.