Keep the Sons confined to secure Homes because they Ogle at Girls & Women!

Today 24th January is Day for the girls.

Are girls really threatened by men or they are More Threatened by Secure women ?

 Women are the worst Enemies of The Girl Child? Look around and see for yourself for answers.

Slogans like Beti Bachao Beti Padao have hardly made a difference to declining ratios of girls.

Movies like Dangal does make us think so that the option of having a good life for girls never closes.

Books and movies have their pluses and minuses.

A movie speaks a lot during 3 hours, compared to reading a book for days.

It is a scientific fact that Visual Impressions stay longer in mind, they transport us to a different world,inspire to look for possibilities to cross hurdles of society to reach aim, brings out a Dreamer in  all of us.

Instead of being Obsessed with Preservation of any gender, we should believe in Human Dignity for everyone, honoring the specific tasks prescribed to each gender by Mother Nature.

It is a Blessing to Have a Normal & Healthy Baby with equally healthy mother , both physically & mentally to raise the child.

Just delivering a baby is not be all.

Agree, the baby belongs to entire family & some women do feel "Blessed" after a male child,as if the duty is over and from now on wards , it is duty of a caretaker to look after the baby boy ( if it is a girl, she is at mercy of God !)

If Betis need to be preserved through Slogans & Real life examples to be emulated through movies-

Betas need to be preserved too by instilling good values in them through their mothers / families,for being respectful to every girl/ women ( first the outsider women , then own women in family !)

Only if males stop ogling / disrespecting women and girls as Directed by their connected women from childhood-

We will have a reason to Celebrate 24th January as Daughters Day-

Till then Save the Spoilt Brats from Girls influenced by Dangal who will Even out if Ogled or denigrated at Public places/ within homes.