According to World Dental Association, these are the top ten beneficial foods for teeth.

  • Green tea contains poly-phenol antioxidant plant compounds, which are thought to reduce plaque, and to help reduce cavities and gum disease. Tea may also help reduce bad breath. Tooth enamel can be strengthened because green tea contains fluoride which promotes healthy teeth.
  • Milk and yogurt are good for teeth because they contain low acidity, which means that wearing of teeth is less. They are also low in decay-inducing sugar. Milk is a good source of calcium, the main component of teeth and bones.
  • Cheese contains calcium and phosphate, which helps balance pH in the mouth, preserves (and rebuilds) tooth enamel, produces saliva, and kills bacteria that cause cavities and disease.
  • Fruits such as apples, strawberries and kiwis contain Vitamin C. This vitamin is considered the element that holds cells together. If this vitamin is neglected, gum cells can break down, making gums tender and susceptible to disease.
  • Vegetables: Vitamin A, found in pumpkins, carrots, sweet potatoes and broccoli, is necessary for the formation of tooth enamel. Crunchy vegetables may also help clean gums.

  • Onions contain antibacterial sulfur compounds. Tests show that onions kill various types of bacteria, especially when eaten raw.
  • Celery protects teeth by producing saliva which neutralizes bacteria that cause cavities. It also massages the teeth and gums.
  • Sesame seeds reduce plaque and help build tooth enamel. They are also very high in calcium.
  • Animal food: chicken, red meat and eggs contain phosphorus which, with calcium, is one of the two most vital minerals of teeth and bone.
  • Water cleans the mouth and produces saliva that deposits essential minerals into the teeth. It keeps teeth hydrated and washes away particles from the teeth.
  • Foods high in fiber may also help to increase the flow of saliva. Sugar-free chewing gum stimulates saliva production, and helps to clean the surface of the teeth.
  • Dietary and salivary iodine seems also important in oral heath prevention.