A bond that is shared by a couple is special. The intimate relationship is an important part of that bond, so, why let a low male libido cause damage to that bond? 

Here are simple solutions proposed by Ayurveda to treat male sexual problems:

1. Exercise is said to be of the highest importance for the long-term well-being of any person and it is just as important when it comes to battling a low libido. There are so many health benefits which accrue to a person which spill over. Better blood circulation is just one of the many, apart from better aerobic capacity and a lift in one’s mood. For these reasons alone, does it not make sense to exercise on a regular basis. Overall quality of life needs to improve.

2. Apart from the exercise, when it comes to Ayurveda, it is important to keep in mind the fact that quality of the food that a person is eating is critical to the health of the body. And, when a man is battling against a low libido, the things that he needs to incorporate into his diet include essential fats and zinc. There are many ayurvedic medicines which effectively works on low libido, longer erection, quality of seminal fluid etc.

3. The reduction of stress does, as a matter of fact, go a very long way in helping a man boost his libido. A man will find that as the stress clears out, his mind will be more open to rekindling the spark with his partner. So, in order to reduce the amount of stress that he is facing, some meditation should be able to do wonders. After all, even if fifteen minutes were allocated on a daily basis, it can be said that the impact can be seen. Also, some Ayurvedic Panchakarma procedure is helpful to relieve stress in an effective manner.

4. Honey is an ancient food item which has served to provide a range of benefits beyond just acting as a sweetener for other foods. It has been in use since at least the time of the Egyptians. Honey is so good, in fact, that it is used as a remedy for low male libido by combining it with some apple. When about 5 apples are combined with a pinch of saffron, cardamom and nutmeg as well as about 10 drops of rosewater into a pulp, the mixture is potent enough to cause a pretty significant increase in the libido of the man. It should be eaten about half an hour post a meal.

While having a low male libido can signal trouble for a relationship, it can be said that as long as Ayurveda is resorted to, it will be back sooner rather than later! If you wish to discuss any specific problem, you can consult an Ayurvedic specialist.