Research over the last several years has shown that Indian bodies and genetics are different from their western counterparts. Not in a good way- Indians suffer from abdominal obesity compared to people in the west, whose bodies are uniformly obese. As a result of this, Indians are at a higher risk of diabetes and hypertension.

There are currently 41 million diabetic people in India and this number is expected to rise by 170 per cent in the next 20 years. Even today, India has the largest population of diabetics in the world. By 2050, India is projected to be diabetes capital of the world. Today, one in every three Indians has high blood pressure, which is expected to shoot by 60 per cent in the next 20 years.Read to know more about 8 steps to get rid off high blood pressure.

Not much can be done about the genetic risk of Indians, but a lot can be done to take measures about reducing your risk. 

Important Guidelines

1. First, get yourself tested for blood sugar and hypertension. Read more about wonder fruits for diabetes.

2. Watch your diet and exercise. The Indian diet is very high in carbohydrates. Watch the type of carbohydrates that you put into your body- some carbohydrates promote fat storage. 

3. You don't have to cut out fat from your diet. Just eat the healthy fat. 

Here are snacks that are delicious and healthy- 

4. If you have not exercised in a while, then this is your chance to start- start with a walk, and graduate to a jog. There are innumerable benefits of running. The classic pushup exercise also builds muscle and burns fat.

You're never too old to get in shape! If you need to lose weight, get on a healthy weight loss plan, with a balanced diet and an effective exercise routine.