Ensure Nutrients in Every Calorie Consumed

Men and women practicing an active and energetic lifestyle are living longer, well into their 80s and 90s. Numerous studies uphold the fact that consuming healthy food and being active can create a drastic difference, for the positive, on the quality of life of older adults.

It is never too late to reap the benefits of improved nutrition and fitness. Consuming nutrient-rich foods and indulging in activities with your buddies can explicitly raise your energy levels, strength and happiness quotient in life. As we grow older, our food and activity choices are crucial to maintain a healthy and fit body. 

Step-Up Nutrients, Step Down Calories

As people age, they require fewer total calories with more nutrients, especially proteins, B-vitamins and calcium. When it comes to nutrition, focus should be on quality and not quantity. You need to choose foods from every food group that are power-packed with more nutrients per calorie. For maximum physical and mental health, older adults should ensure that every single calorie consumed by them is nutrient-rich. Be conscious to fill your plate with all the food groups during any meal of the day. 

Many retired adults with moderate incomes are not self-sufficient to buy enough nutrient-rich foods to meet their daily nutritional needs. These precious years should never be spent in extreme diets or drastic weight loss programs. Always have a realistic goal of eating better while eating less. Fad diets usually eliminate entire food groups, which can cause serious nutrient gaps. Rapid weight loss may lead to a loss of lean body mass, which is the most important attribute for a healthy living in older adults.

Try to maintain a stable weight as you age. If you pile on a few extra kilos, speak with your health care provider or a Registered Dietitian & Nutritionist about the best plan of action possible. Get in touch with esteemed Dietitians/Nutritionists at www.firsteatright.com to help you with such weight loss plans. They will guide you to lose a few kilos with the right balance of food and activity which is essential for strong muscles and bones. 

Go High on Proteins

All individuals need protein for strong, healthy bodies. But, some older adults lack proteins to enable them to maintain muscle mass, fight infection and recover from an accident or surgery. Chewing protein-rich foods such as meat or chicken is also not possible for some older adults. 

Given below are few simple and delicious tips to increase your protein levels, without any down side on your food budget or energy balance.        

  • Include beans insalads, soups, rice dishes and casseroles.        
  • Eat crackers with peanut butter spread as a snack or along with soups or salad.        
  • Prepare scrambled eggs with extra egg whites and some grated low-fat cheese.        
  • Use milk to prepare soups or oatmeal instead of water.        
  • Add a spoon of dry milk powder to fluid milk, cream soups and mashed potatoes.