Remember the famous 4- Trust, Empathy,Compassion & Value.

Apply all of 4 to self and others and see miracles coming your way as thankful humans,as suffering humans and people who were treated ages ago & they remember though our memories have faded a Bit.

We have been getting reminders through PRACTO. It is a good initiative to remind doctors. We will be happily taking part without making it obvious.

This is helping us to love ourselves.

This is helping us to be the proud degree holders.

This reminds us about working in India despite hostile conditions,some of them are deliberately made by humans.

We never said NO to Rural Jobs.

Did people help us? 

Yes rural folks are innocent and cooperative.

It takes few weeks to adjust to their level of thinking eg

-injections are a must for every fever( psychological conditioning infused by the quacks ), 

intravenous fluids give strength and stamina to women ( reality is anemia due to innumerable kids,miscarriages,getting married earlier than official age of 18 years) etc etc.

Doctors enjoy more goodwill and respect if there is No collective powers of Quacks to run down educated and ambitious doctors.

Doctor-Love yourself. Show compassion and care to self during morning before starting a hectic day.

We want to treat someone free on all days & a rare innocent person does force the money because the person is the 1st one of the day and person said-Boni ka time hai,means that the first customer brings good luck and should be charged !!

We have an answer to this innocent query too-

Medicine practice is different from shop practice.

There are No Customers,only suffering humans.

It is to be practiced @24 hours to get a feel of being the real doctor.

There is no dearth of money.( If Money is the Mantra,any other job can bring in lots more!)

Work More,Charge less & do a total at end of the day.

It equals to ONE Consultation in a Corporate Hospital.

Small unit of medical practice also generates jobs for nurses, Technicians and attendants etc.

and gives more peace of mind+ professional satisfaction + ability to stay miles away from Lawyers & Courts +suspicious patients and relatives as things are too transparent.

Thank You again Practo for the reminder of No Consultation Day on 07.04.2018