What comes to your mind when we first hear the word ” peace”? Is it something in our reach or beyond? Is it something within us or outside? Does it even actually practically exist or is it just theoretical?

Well, here’s what I have observed with respect to peace. I never bought the idea till I actually experienced it. Four years back, I attended  talk by Mr. Pervez Daruwalla on ho’opnopono. In this talk he spoke about 4 magical sentences – “I’M SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU.” when practiced these four statements, at first I found them too funny. But later saw the results. Whenever I have a friction in any of my relationships with people around me, I chant these four statements. By doing so, I understood I am healing a part of me, within myself, which created them. Once this angered/hurt/disturbed part of me was dissolved or at least diluted, all that I had for them was understanding & compassion.

This further brought me to an understanding that all those who victimize others are  victimised too. At some level they are hurt, & are trying to get even by hurting others.

In my peace project, I’ve started working on it in my own small way – by seeking forgiveness from all those who I believe have wronged me. I understand that they may have behaved in this manner because I have – intentionally or otherwise – done something to cause them to hurt me. Even if I have never met them before, I still ask for forgiveness on behalf of all these who may have wronged them.

By thanking them, I acknowledge their role on my journey for helping me evolve and meet a better version of me which I otherwise wouldn’t have. I feel immense gratitude for them to cross my path and help me widen my perspective of life.