
The prevalence of Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) in the Indian subcontinent is very high and significantly linked to irregular  menstrual cycle. (1) It is the primary cause of menstrual dysfunction in 75% of a women. In the US 21% of pre menopausal women are affected (2). Symptoms / Blood Reports The symptoms include amenorrhoea, presence of cyst in ovaries, hirsutism, obesity and infertility (3). Polycystic ovaries are due to incomplete follicular development or failure of ovulation. Women with the syndrome have at least seven times the risk of myocardial infarction and ischaemic heart disease than other women, and by age 40, 40% will have type 2 diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance. The common cases we see in clinics are often only with amenorrhoea and obesity. The cyst in itself on sonography has multiple follicles. The hormonal levels are frequently normal. Important levels are FSH, LH, DHEAS, Testosterone. The FSH / LH ratio is important.

Why Homeopathy for PCOS?

Though there is some treatment in allopathy for PCOS, it is not comprehensive. Intake of hormonal medicines is not advised in young girls. The cysts are recurrent and hence occur even after operations. Cases diagnosed early are completely treatable, with sonographies showing complete regression. Treatment with homeopathic medicines results in ovarian functions returning back to normal. 

How does a homeopath view and treat PCOS? For a homeopath, a cyst is a harmless extra growth in the body. Most of the time these extra growths can be reduced. In others they can be treated so that the functionality is maintained. The objective of treating PCOS is different according to the age and needs of the patient. In young girls the only objective is to get regular menses. Regular menses also means that ovulation is intact. In elder women the treatment will depend upon the need to conceive. If the woman wants to have a child, then treatment would be prolonged, as we need to make menses regular and ovulation mature. If there is no need to conceive, as she either already has a child and/or does not want more, the objective would only be to get menses regular. Regular menses also means good health and hence treatment should be undertaken. It is thus important for the homeopath to set objectives for each patient.

Important Remedies

The most important medicine that should be a part of treatment is Thuja. Many patients have hypertension or hemorrhagic cysts and Tuberculinum is required. Other remedies indicated are Calc-c, Calc-f, Mag-c, pulsatilla, sepia etc.

Other Factors

A patient with pcos should have to keep an eye on her weight. The size of the cysts are directly proportional to the weight of the patient. Hence it is advisable to take regular exercise and do skipping. Reducing fat also results in reducing the size of cysts.