• Active or Passive feeling of Rejection: Rejection felt by child results in the feeling of anxiety, insecurity, low self-esteem, negativism, hostility, attention seeking, loneliness, jealousy etc.
  • Overprotection Directly or Indirectly: If the child is overprotected in the childhood, the child will have submissiveness, lack of self-reliance, dependence in relation to the other, low self-evaluation etc.
  • Over permissiveness in Behaviour: Over permissiveness in parenting Causes self-demanding attitude, inability to tolerate frustration, rebelliousness towards authority, attention seeking, irresponsibility, inconsiderateness, explosiveness.
  • Perfection insisted in most activities: If the child is always insisted on Perfectionism with unrealistic demands, it results in lack of spontaneity, rigid conscience development, severe conflicts, a tendency towards self-condemnation and guilt etc.
  • Faulty Discipline styles of interaction: Lack of discipline causes aggressive and antisocial tendencies, while harsh, overly severe discipline results in fear, hatred of parent, lack of initiative and lack of friendly feelings.
  • Contradictory Demands or Interpersonal Communications: It makes a child prone towards the tendency of confusions, unclear self-identity, self-devaluation etc.
  • Undesirable Parental Models: It results in the learning of faulty values, formulation of unrealistic goals and development of maladaptive coping patterns (not able to adapt to adverse situations in a normal manner).