Tendinitis is inflammation of a tendon from overuse or repetitive strain. A tendon connects bone to muscle and the supraspinatus is one of the tendons in the shoulder. It's more commonly known as one of the rotator cuff tendons; therefore, supraspinatus tendinitis is inflammation of the supraspinatus muscle tendon or rotator cuff tendon. inflammation is not always present in tendon injuries. If your shoulder rotator cuff tendons are injured it may be described as rotator cuff tendinopathy.
Supraspinatus Tendinitis is impingement which as stated is due to increased workload of the muscles. This condition is more common in diabetics. This condition is also commonly found in athletes who are involved with sports which require frequent throwing and overhead motion of the arms like baseball, discuss throw, tennis etc.
- Shoulder clicking or an arc of shoulder pain when your arm is about shoulder height.
- Pain when lying on the sore shoulder or lifting with a straight arm.
- Shoulder pain or clicking when you move your hand behind your back or head.
- Shoulder and upper arm pain (potentially as far as your elbow).
- As your shoulder tendonitis deteriorates,your shoulder pain may even be present at rest.
X-rays do not identify shoulder tendinitis but can be useful to identify if bone-spur encroachment into the subacromial space that may cause your rotator cuff tendonitis. Ultrasound scan & MRI is a preferred method of investigating.
Aims of Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy is very important in tendinitis. The aim of physical therapy is to alleviate pain, inflammation, prevent aggravation of pain, reduce muscle wasting and normalize the of the shoulder girdle.
Modalities such as ultrasound, cryotherapy and electrical muscle stimulation can provide relief. Assisted range of motion, progressive resistance exercises & strengthening exercises are very beneficial for muscles.