Blood Pressure ( HYPERTENSION) is associated with sever side effects, example: Stroke, Heart attack. Heart failure,Blood clot, Kidney disease, Metabolic syndrome, Cognitive and memory problems.These are increased if the Blood pressure is not controlled , hence this is also called the SILENT KILLER We at Neurology and Sleep Centre to encourage and promote good health have initiated a service of 24 hours BP Monitoring where one can know his/her blood pressure over a prolonged period of time and make efforts to control it. This is done with with a special BP Device known as-"Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring" which records BP during the day and night ,during your routine activites to determine the fluctuations and control The charges for this is Rs 2000, but for our existing patients who want to avail this it is offered at Rs 1500. For a period of 1 month ie till Oct 10th, 2017. Please feel free to call for any further info ,or to book this service.">Greetings From Neurology and Sleep Centre We all are aware that High Blood Pressure ( HYPERTENSION) is associated with sever side effects, example: Stroke, Heart attack. Heart failure,Blood clot, Kidney disease, Metabolic syndrome, Cognitive and memory problems.These are increased if the Blood pressure is not controlled , hence this is also called the SILENT KILLER We at Neurology and Sleep Centre to encourage and promote good health have initiated a service of 24 hours BP Monitoring where one can know his/her blood pressure over a prolonged period of time and make efforts to control it. This is done with with a special BP Device known as-"Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring" which records BP during the day and night ,during your routine activites to determine the fluctuations and control The charges for this is Rs 2000, but for our existing patients who want to avail this it is offered at Rs 1500. For a period of 1 month ie till Oct 10th, 2017. Please feel free to call for any further info ,or to book this service.