In general, women want to look good and attractive, then why not post pregnancy. Pregnancy cause lots of changes in a woman mentally and physically. Some Physical change in the body may not come to their pre-pregnancy state. There you may require the help of a Plastic Surgeon. Before going through the mommy makeover surgery, I think you should be finished having children and done with breastfeeding.

The common procedure in mommy makeover are tummy tucks, liposuction and breast surgery. It is your personal choice and goal which procedure you want (of course after discussing with you Plastic Surgeon). After deciding the procedure, you may ask questions regarding surgery, e.g. how long will be the incision? will liposuction be included?whether you will require any type of implants? scarring?  etc. Most women take 1-3 weeks for recovery after surgery. It depends on the number of procedures performed. Post-surgical scar takes around a year to two to be fully mature.