Autism is a lifelong, developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with and relates to other people, and how they experience the world around them.

Educational and behavioral approaches are often a core feature of the overall treatment plan for children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Limited evidence-based research is available for most of the behavioral and/or educational based programs. These approaches are particularly difficult to study using traditional research methods. For one reason, It is difficult to control many factors that can interfere with or bias results. It is also often difficult to exactly reproduce any single intervention across settings. One exception to this frustrating lack of evidence is the growing amount of success using early intensive intervention programs for children with ASD. Such programs generally involve many hours of therapy each week for children between the ages of 2 and 7.

Many studies have shown that behavioral interventions can improve intelligence test scores, language skills, and academic performance of young children with ASD. Some studies have also shown improvement in behavioral or personal and social skills.

"Behavior Therapy Normalizes Brains of Autistic Children"

Autism likely has deep genetic roots, but the latest research provides hope that some learning techniques can lessen symptoms of the developmental disorder. Ten years ago, autism was rarely detected before ages 3 or 4. Now, more autistic children are being identified when they are toddlers. 

In children with the mild cases of autism, cognitive behavior therapy techniques resulted in changes in their brains that made them “indistinguishable” from those of unaffected children of the same age — essentially normalizing them, according to many researchers.

I, as the Clinical Director, with 15 years of experience in the field developed 3 different programs to normalize autistic children using lot of research happening world wide.

1. Infant Brain Stimulation

2. BMSI program

3. Behavior Therapy Services

By using these programs, at CBT 2, we have 99% success in showing improvement in children with ASD. We believe that each child is a unique individual with a unique learning style. We therefore design comprehensive, individualized Behavior programs to meet the specific needs of each child and his /her family. 

We, at CBT 2, use standardized assessments to know where the child stands, develop unique programs for the child and determines the number of hours the child may require therapies. We then gather data to track improvements. These daily reports generate monthly reports to indicate progress of the child. If regression is occurring, we will be able to identify at the earliest and prevent.