Migraine is basically a neurological condition which causes multiple symptoms. Patients of Migraine go through frequent and debilitating headaches which last for days at an end. While there is no absolute cure for Migraine, knowing the triggers can help you better.

Here are the top 10 triggers of Migraine which you need to be conscious about:

Genetics: Yes, your migraine can be genetic. Discuss it with your doctor so they can decide on your line of treatment.

Food: Various foods trigger Migraine in different people. Identify yours.

Stress: Stress is one of the most common triggers of Migraine.

Alcohol: Alcohol is very bad for your Migraine and can trigger it pretty quickly and severely.

Caffeine: Caffeine does real harm to your neurological system which ends up in Migraine attacks.

Blood-pressure: People with blood-pressure problems also suffer from Migraine attacks frequently.

Hormones: In some people, hormones are also the reason for Migraine.

Travel: Travelling can incite Migraine as you are out of your routine and often anxious or excited.

Sleep: If you got no sleep for nights in a row or sleep too much, it can result in a migraine attack if you have a history.

Weather: Certain weathers also trigger migraine attacks in people. Mostly, heat and sun do the most harm. 

Knowing what triggers your Migraine can help you by getting that aspect your lifestyle altered. Here are 5 simple lifestyle changes you can make to overcome migraine:

1. Manage Stress: Stress is one of the most common triggers of Migraine. While it is not easy to control stress, you can always meditate and do yoga to keep yourself calm. Make it a habit as just doing it once the pain triggers hardly helps. Plan your day including meals, sleep, travelling, etc. It will help with stress management.

2. Get Enough Sleep: 

  • Try to go to bed and get up at the same time each day. 
  • Most adults need about 7-8 hours of sleep a night. 
  • Make your sleeping environment as restful as possible.  
  • A cool, quiet, dark room and minimal devices around the bed, particularly those with lights. 

3. Keep a “Migraine Diary”: Maintain a journal with details of your Migraine. It will help you plan better and will also help your doctor to suggest you the best line of treatment.

4. Limit Screen Time: If you notice that migraines are triggered from blue light exposure being omitted from electronic devices, limit the amount of time you spend using these devices. 

5. Ice Massage: You can pain with an ice pack applied to the upper back or back of the neck for about 15 minutes at a time. Avoid placing the ice pack constantly in one area, rather move the ice pack in circles. 

Ensuring that all this is a part of your routine will help you largely in tackling Migraine. It might not go away completely but these habits will make sure your headaches aren’t regular.