48 years old Bhavani came to us with intense hot flashes and palpitations and irregular periods since 3 months. She had approached her gynaecologist who advised her HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY. A friend of hers referred homeopathy, based on her physical and mental symptoms such as  hot flashes, palpitations, irritability, talkativeness and jealous nature along with dreams of snakes, she was prescribed a few doses of Lachesis which not only helped her tide over the menopause crisis but also elevated her moods and put her back on track.


Menopause implies a permanent cessation of menstruation in women. Menopause marks  the end of women’s natural ability to bear children. Perimenopause encompasses this period of changing ovarian activity and also the first few years without menstrual cycling, typically characterized by hormonal and physical changes with, sometimes, emotional and psychological changes as well. Menopausal symptoms are part of a natural biological process experienced by all women as their childbearing years come to an end. The transition can be as early as the 30s and last even into the 60s. The symptoms of menopause are not an illness, just a natural consequences of ageing. All women experience this change in different ways. Some have no symptoms or have only mild issues while others battle a range of annoying alterations in their body like hot flashes or mood swings that can negatively affect their daily lives.


Menopause manifests at different times and in different ways for every women. Some are lucky enough to get through the experience with no significant problems; but for others, menopause disrupts both their lives and their interpersonal relationships. The experience of menopause differs among women, depending on differences in diet and nutrition, general health and healthcare, and even how women are taught to think about menopause. 

Not all women experience symptoms. both, the lining of vagina and of the urethra, become drier, thinner and less elastic with the onset of menopause. Consequently, women tend to experience burning and itching and have an increased chance of urinary or vaginal infections. A frequent urge to urinate is common with minor incontinence, especially when laughing, sneezing or coughing. In addition, sexual intercourse may become increasingly uncomfortable, even painful.

One of the most common menopausal symptoms, the hot flash, is a result of dropping estrogen levels that cause blood vessels to expand rapidly with a consequent increase in skin temperature. Generally women experience sweating and have flushed appearance. This can last from 30 seconds to several minutes and can occur as often as once an hour. Although hot flashes can occur at any time of the day and night, night sweats are a related problem that severely disrupt the sleep cycle. Women report waking up from a deep sleep to find their night clothes and bedding soaked with sweat. Most women gain some degree of weight during the onset  of menopause, usually an average of five pounds.The increased weight concentrates around  the waist and abdomen. Other changes in appearance can include the fullness of the breasts, thinning hair, wrinkles, adult acne and coarse hair- Usually on the chin, upper lip and sometimes on the chest and abdomen.


In order to relieve the symptoms of menopause, as well as to reduce specific health risks in menopausal and postmenopausal women, physicians often prescribe the synthetic hormones oestrogen, progestin-a synthetic form of progestrone and sometimes androgens. This therapeutic approach is called HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY-HRT. Osteoporosis, in which the bones become brittle and vulnerable to fractures, is caused by calcium loss. Calcium loss accelerates in women for three to seven years after menopause. The use of HRT combats bone calcium loss and significantly lessens the risk of osteoporosis.

Other ways of reducing the negative effects of menopause include eating a healthy diet, eliminating caffeine and alcohol, reducing sugar and salt intake, stopping smoking and taking vitamin supplements. Exercise helps to increase the conversion of androgens to oestrogens and can help alleviate menopausal symptoms.


1. Lachesis

The person needing this homeopathic remedy typically experiences flushes of heat primarily on falling asleep, through the night, or on waking. While that in and of itself is not unique to this remedy, the greatest symptom I have found to confirm Lachesis is when even the most intense hot flashes happen without any perspiration - a dry heat. This remedy is arguably the most common of the remedies to give relief to those with menopausal hot flashes.

2. Sulphur

The woman needing this homeopathic remedy often feels warm and is worse from heat.The hot flashes tend to ascend the body, rising to the face and head, which may often feel hot. They may also frequently experience being too hot at night in sleep, especially the feet which they desire to uncover (although cold feet may also occur). Other general symptoms include craving for sweets, hunger in the late morning (around 11:00 AM), loose stools (often occurring in the early morning), an energy dip at 2 pm and a fear of heights.

3. Sepia 

A person needing this homeopathic remedy often has hot flashes that are typically accompanied by weakness, lots of sweating, with the feeling of heat usually ascending upwards. Sepia patients typically are better from hard workouts or exertion and can be emotionally sensitive and a bit nervous by nature. They are very chilly and can have an energy dip (or feel worse) from 3-5 pm. They also tend to be sun worshipers – greatly enjoying the heat of the sun for long periods of time. If you are someone who does not enjoy the heat of the sun – it is unlikely Sepia will be helpful. 

4. Pulsatilla

This remedy would be most often indicated in a menopausal woman who has become very sensitive, down, blue and weepy. She feels better from reassurance. The hot flashes are worse in a warm room and better outside in cold or fresh air. Typically patients are hot, might want to uncover their feet at night, have an energy dip around 1 pm, and have a hormonal history with difficult periods or PMS.

5. Glonoinum

A woman needing this homeopathic remedy often has hot flushes that are sudden, violent, and with an upwards rush of blood to the head. Palpitations in the chest are also common, as are bursting headaches rising up from neck, with great throbbing and sense of expansion as if the head would burst; cannot breathe least jar.

6. Sanguinaria

A person requiring this homeopathic remedy often experiences heat that is burning in nature and tends to rise to the face and head. There is less violence to the hot flash than in those patients needing Glonoinum and without the weakness so often associated with those needing Sepia. A headache often occurs with the heat flush. With the headache, the pain may begin in back of the head and spread over the head, settling over the right eye, in some cases with nausea and vomiting. The person needing this remedy may also find they are sensitive to noise and light.

7. Amyl nitrosum

Climacteric headache and flushes of heat, with anxiety and palpitation. Flashings followed by sweat at climacteric.