Letting go and speaking up or crying out is the best aphrodisiac and marriage problems solver says Dr Vaibhav Lunkad
Of all the cases of ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION we get to see at AAIINA clinic 162 shukrawarpeth Pune we found that 40% almost were due to psychosomatic problems such as Misunderstanding,Misconceptions,Misperceptions,Misbehaviour and habits of Missing,Messing and Masking Emotions or Actions.
Just one session of detailed counseling and psychotherapy for one hour and the mutual satisfaction of the couples and us was immeasurable.Their relations all Renewed, Relieved and Resumed.
To understand one another, it's necessary to go beyond logic and accept the intricacies of human Body,Mind,and Relationships without Bias and Prejudice.To allow a person to be as he ,she or a bisexual or gay is real love.To "forgive and forget" without reminding again helps resume all broken relationships too.To have Humour,Hunger and Humility(LETTING GO),keeps the flame of "romance, sex and love" ignited always.To be "at ease or dis-ease" is a choice we can make every moment.After menopause or andropause or any other problems what is required is "listening attentively without judging,taunting,expecting anything at all".Giving and for-giving childlike returns back immeasurably even from a strained relation,
So kill your ego and misunderstanding,misconceptions,misperceptions,misbehaviour and just keep shut a dirty mouth and leave habits of "missing,messing and masking emotions or actions".
Life literally changes by 180 and you can "reignite romance, love and sex" back in your and other's life just ATM(anytime)
Letting go and speaking up or crying out is the best aphrodisiac and marriage problems solver says Dr Vaibhav Lunkad