This couple was referred to us by our Colleague from Tamluk.
Husband's semen test, done outside showed "No Sperms". We repeated the test at our centre and found the result better, although it was abnormal. However, after doing tests, no cause for such abnormal result was obtained.
The woman had severe endometriosis. In laparoscopy, there was frozen pelvis (all organs like uterus, tubes, ovaries were attached to each other). Both the Fallopian Tubes were blocked.
We examined her and found her AMH was very low and there was an insufficient number of eggs in the ovaries.
As her age was just 29 years, we advised her IVF-ICSI using her own eggs. We explained that the success rate would be very low because if multiple factors (less eggs in the ovaries, poor Sperm condition, Severe Endometriosis and Tubal Factor). They agreed.
IVF was done. However, the stimulation protocol was different from the conventional one. After egg collection ("Ovum Pick Up"), we advised her GnRH Agonist injections for 3 months to suppress the hormones (this increases the chance of pregnancy in Endometriosis) and then replaced the hormones from outside and performed FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer). Last week, she got a Positive Beta hCG test. We repeated the test and there was a satisfactory rise in the hormone.
Please pray for her.
So, what we see here
1) If a single Semen Report is abnormal, do not get disappointed. Please repeat the test from a good laboratory.
2) Low AMH or poor ovarian reserve does not always mean that you need Donor Eggs.
3) In severe endometriosis, IVF can give good success rate, if the age is younger.
Uploaded with kind permission from the woman.