Are you worried about adequate sleep for your baby? As a new parents its a common anxiety. Here are few guidelines from which you can decide about adequate sleep pattern for your baby.

Timetable of hours of sleep a baby needs-

Age: Newborn

  • Night: 8 1/2 hrs
  • Daytime: 8 1/2 hrs(varied number of naps)
  • Average Total Sleep: 17 hrs

Age: 1 month

  • Night: 8 1/2 hrs
  • Daytime: 7 1/2 hrs (varied number of naps)
  • Average Total Sleep: 16 hrs

Age: 3 months

  • Night: 9 hrs
  • Daytime Sleep: 6 hrs(3 naps)
  • Average Total Sleep: 15

Age: 6 months

  • Night: 10 hrs
  • Daytime: 4 hrs (2 or 3 naps)
  • Average Total Sleep: 14 hrs

Age: 9 months

  • Night : 11hrs
  • Daytime: 3 hrs(2 naps)
  • Average Total Sleep: 14 hrs

Age: 12 months

  • Night: 11 hrs
  • Daytime: 3 hrs (2 naps)
  • Average Total Sleep: 14 hrs

Age: 18 months

Night: 11 hrs

Daytime: 2 1/2 hrs (1 nap)

Average Total Sleep: 13 1/2 hrs

What can I do to help my baby get enough sleep?

Coming up with a soothing nightly routine, setting an appropriate bedtime, and putting him to bed drowsy (but awake) all set the stage for helping your baby get enough sleep at night. 

When he rouses after dark, keep the lights dim, speak softly, and minimize your interaction so he doesn't fully wake up.

Schedule your baby's naps and meals at the same times each day to get him used to being in a routine. 

This predictability helps him stay calm and happy, which makes it easier for him to settle down to sleep. 

Note: Some doctors advise against letting babies take long afternoon naps on a regular basis because this can interfere with how deeply your baby sleeps at night.