Some people get sensation of incomplete emptying after visiting toilet. They  put up with it as they think it's not curable or because of embarrassment to seek help. If  you are suffering silently then no need to do so. It can be cured with simple interventions.

What is the reason for incomplete emptying?

If there are associated symptoms of  Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) then IBS might be reason.  

It might be due to a condition called Obstructive Defecation Syndrome (ODS). It is characterized by obstruction to
flow of feaces by part of rectum or cervix or bladder. This is caused be weak pelvic muscles.

Who suffers with this condition most?

Usually its found in females after child birth but it can affect anyone. Men are very rarely affected.

How is it diagnosed?

Initially colonoscopy is done to rule out serious problems like extra growth in the colon. Once colonoscopy is normal then defecating proctogram will be diagnostic of this condition.

What do people do to empty bowel in this condition?

Some people press the buttocks to empty the bowel. Some people use fingers to empty fully.

What are the simple/home remedies?

  1. Use of indian toilet, if not, keeping stool to rest the foot so that rectum comes in straight position to
    empty fully.
  2. Pelvic physiotherapy to strengthen the pelvic muscles to pass motion fully.
  3. Suppositories: These are small tablets that are inserted into back passage that stimulate the rectum and help
    in evacuating fully.
  4. Bio feed back: This is designed to train the body to recognize the sensation to empty bowel and emptying fully.

What is all the above measures fail?

If all of the above measures fail to resolve the issues then Laparoscopic ventral mesh rectopexy will solve the
problem. This  will straighten the rectum helping one to pass motion normally.