Everybody loves the winter season but it can be harsh for infants. Being a parent, you might be worried about your newborn baby’s health, especially when it’s the baby’s first winter. 

Infants are more vulnerable and susceptible to catching a cold than older children because their immune system is still developing. Wrapping your baby in a blanket is not enough to keep them away from winter woes. 

Here are some tips to keep your baby healthy and smiling during winters:

1. Bathing

Before bathing your baby, check if the water is at optimum temperature. Check by putting your elbow into the water. It should neither be too hot nor too cold. 

Use doctor-recommended mild soaps and dry the baby’s skin properly between all skin folds to avoid any bacterial growth and rashes. 

Moisturising the skin with a good moisturiser or oil is equally essential to avoid cracks and keep your baby’s skin soft and plump.

2. Clothing

Layer your baby’s clothes. Make sure they wear comfortable and soft fabrics only to avoid any kind of discomfort. 

Make them wear a cap and socks and cover their chest area properly to avoid getting viral infections.

3. Massaging

A massage is known to improve blood circulation and help the baby grow strong. It is recommended to massage your baby before giving them a bath. 

Use a good quality baby oil to massage your baby. Place your baby in a comfortable position and massage gently in a circular motion.

4. Hygiene

Keep your baby’s surroundings clean and dust-free to avoid flu and infections. Clean their beddings and blankets regularly. 

Touch your baby only after washing your hands and make sure that they do not drool and make their clothes wet as this can cause infections. You may also need to change their diapers more frequently in winters.

5. Vaccination

Vaccines are very important to keep your baby away from seasonal diseases and flu. Consult your paediatrician about seasonal vaccines. 

Never delay the baby’s vaccines as it makes them vulnerable to severe infections.

Follow the above tips to take care of your newborn during the winter. But if you notice that your little one is not feeling well, you must take your baby to a paediatrician immediately.

Disclaimer: This article is written by the Practitioner for informational and educational purposes only. The content presented on this page should not be considered as a substitute for medical expertise. Please "DO NOT SELF-MEDICATE" and seek professional help regarding any health conditions or concerns. Practo will not be responsible for any act or omission arising from the interpretation of the content present on this page.