Winter is almost here! You might notice an increase in hair problems in this season, but there is not much to worry about. 

In winters, cold air pulls out all the moisture from your scalp, making it dry. A dry scalp leads to dry hair and results in breakage, hair fall, and dandruff. 

Let's see a quick list of possible causes for hair fall and dandruff in winters and home remedies to treat them.

Causes And Risk Factors For Hair Fall And Dandruff in Winters

1. Avoiding combing: If you do not comb or brush your hair regularly, you have a slightly higher risk of developing dandruff. This is because combing/brushing helps with the natural shedding of skin cells. In the absence of it, the dead skin cells start to accumulate over your scalp, leading to dandruff.

2. Dry skin/scalp: If you have dry skin and/or scalp, you are more likely to get dandruff. This happens because the lack of moisture leads to more shedding of skin cells, which cannot be removed naturally.

3. Reaction to haircare/skincare products: Not all haircare products are gentle and suitable for your hair and scalp. You might have a reaction to hair care products, leading to hair fall and dandruff.

4. Stress: Being stressed is linked to many types of skin and hair problems. Stress has a negative impact on your hair follicles. It increases hair fall as it promotes the premature shedding of hair.

5. Lifestyle factors: Your lifestyle plays an important role in your well being. Frequent bathing in very hot water, an unclean environment, poor quality of water used for washing hair, and excessive use of cosmetics, hair gels, and dyes cause hair fall. 

Hair Care Tips to Reduce Hair Fall in Winters

You can follow these tips for reducing hair fall in winters:

1. Wash your hair with lukewarm water. The temperature of the water, while you are washing your hair, is very important. Hot temperatures can damage your hair follicles. Use lukewarm water only to protect your hair from shedding.

2. Condition your hair. Use a good conditioner or natural oils for conditioning your hair and scalp. Massage your scalp twice a week, with the tip of your fingers. This increases blood circulation and promotes hair growth.

3. Use a gentle shampoo. To clean your hair, use a gentle shampoo that is suitable for your scalp and hair. You can also use natural cleansers like shikakai with reetha and amla on your scalp, which produces oil and needs cleansing.

4. Shield your hair from sunlight. The rays of the sun are harsh even in winters and can damage your hair. Wrap a scarf or use a cap while stepping out.

5. Avoid going outside with wet hair. Do not leave your house with wet hair. This will attract more dust and pollutants to stick to your hair and damage them. Ideally, let them air dry. Do not dry off using a towel.

Tips For Reducing Dandruff in Winters

You can try these home remedies to avoid getting dandruff during winters:

1. Do not blow-dry your hair daily. It will make your scalp dry and irritable, thus causing added flaking. If you do have to blow-dry your hair, use the drier only after 60% of your hair has air-dried. 

Remember to use the dryer a good distance away from your scalp.

2. Develop a suitable hair routine. If you have an oily scalp, shampooing regularly may help prevent dandruff. 

Massage your scalp gently to loosen flakes and then clean it with a dandruff shampoo. If you have dry hair and a sensitive scalp, shampoo less frequently and condition your scalp in between washes.

3. Get some sunlight. Sunlight may be beneficial in the treatment of dandruff. 

However, avoid sunbathing for too long because it damages your skin and increases your risk of skin cancer. 

4. Use lemon. It can be used directly or mixed with other ingredients to remove dandruff from your hair. Lemon has vitamin C which helps in healing damaged skin cells and restores the pH balance of your scalp. 

Mix one tablespoon of lemon juice with 5 tablespoons of coconut oil and apply 30 minutes before washing your hair.

5. Try coconut oil. It hydrates your skin and prevents it from drying. 

Coconut oil has calming effects that reduce the irritation and redness of your scalp.

6. Apply aloe vera. Aloe vera has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can prevent the growth of bacteria and fungus. 

When aloe vera is used for dandruff, it reduces itchiness and other dandruff symptoms.

Disclaimer: This article is written by the Practitioner for informational and educational purposes only. The content presented on this page should not be considered as a substitute for medical expertise. Please "DO NOT SELF-MEDICATE" and seek professional help regarding any health conditions or concerns. Practo will not be responsible for any act or omission arising from the interpretation of the content present on this page.