‘First Impression is Last impression’, haven’t we heard this line a lot many times in our lives To just live up to that line we all make so many efforts. We take care of our looks, of our figure, of our hair, of our clothes, of our communication skills, of our body language; in short we work on our entire personality just to live up to this line. 

Do you know why?  

Because this line sometimes helps us or sometimes ruins us.This line helps people judge us, helps people comment on us, helps people just praise or abuse our outer looks.  

But is that it?

You should not let your outer looks define who you are and that does not mean you do not take care of yourself and start looking ugly, it just means you should look good but for your own good and for anyone else. You don’t need to stress yourself to look good, try to flaunt your natural beauty, try and be who are,try and cherish what uniqueness you’re gifted with and not try to be like someone else, that’s because you’re original don’t label yourself.

Its fine, if your hair are not straight and silky, after all they are hair not some straight line or a silky curtain. Let them be how they are, don’t ruin them byways of blowing, softening and straightening, because these are all temporary solutions, for something long lasting first you need to accept yourself the way you are and then comes everything else. 

No matter what type of hair you have – straight, curly, wavy, soft, dry, tangled, etc.You need to take good care of it and nourish them. Firstly, whenever you wash your hair, you should oil them a night before or two hours before shampooing.Then do not use conditioners very frequently, use it only once in three times of shampooing. Resort to natural conditioners like curd, also you can apply egg white, aloe Vera, and may be some natural herbs. Then you should comb your hair at least two times a day to avoid tangling and hair fall. 

Then it is okay to not look fair but be spotless, not to have soft skin but at least a healthy one, not to have a supermodel figure but at least be fit. All these things add to your persona, take good care of them but not by ruining their uniqueness. 

Remember,the value of original is more than the copy.