Dry skin is a common skin condition that makes your skin feel tight, itchy, and uncomfortable. Your skin tends to crack and scale easily. Dry skin has a low level of sebum and is prone to be sensitive. 

Dry skin occurs due to environmental causes, weather changes, lifestyle factors, and the use of harsh skin products such as soaps. 

Advancing age, living in places with dry, cold, or low-humidity climates, and frequently swimming in chlorinated water are a few other factors that increase the risk of developing dry skin. 

Fortunately, dry skin can be managed easily with simple measures, especially with the winter season setting in.

Read on to understand the ways to take care of dry skin. 

1. Maintain Your Body's Natural Oils.

Your body naturally produces oils that keep your skin protected and prevent it from drying out. Your daily activities such as bathing or swimming can lead to the loss of these natural oils from your body.

Make sure that you use cold or lukewarm water to have a bath and avoid the use of hot water. Avoid the frequent use of pools with chlorinated water as it can dry out your skin. 

Also, choose products such as soaps or body washes that are mild and do not dry your skin.

2. Exfoliate Gently.

Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells. However, it is important to be cautious while exfoliating dry skin.

Avoid using harsh exfoliants on the skin as they can irritate your skin and increase dryness. Using natural ingredients such as a mixture of sugar and olive oil is better for those with dry skin as it prevents further drying out of your skin. 

Make sure to wet your skin before applying the exfoliant. Once you apply the scrub, massage gently and wash it off with plain water. This can be repeated once or twice a week.

3. Dry Your Skin Carefully.

Be careful while drying your skin. Avoid rubbing the skin vigorously as it can irritate the skin. 

Rubbing your skin hard may cause skin damage and worsen your existing dryness.

Therefore, while drying your skin, make sure to use a soft washcloth and tap your face and body gently. 

4. Apply a Moisturiser. 

Always apply a layer of moisturiser immediately after you bathe to help lock in moisture within your skin. Just a basic layer of protection can make a big difference. 

Moisturising your skin regularly helps in keeping the skin supple and moist. It also prevents dry and flaky skin. You can opt for a light oil-free moisturiser that does not clog your pores. 

As your skin rejuvenates at night, you can choose a good night cream for regular use. Clean your face thoroughly and apply the night cream to your face before going to bed. It helps keep your face moisturised and prevents dryness.

5. Use Sunscreen.

Sunscreens help prevent the harmful effects of the sun on your skin. Excessive exposure to the sun can lead to the formation of fine lines, wrinkles, and dry and scaly skin. Therefore, you must apply sunscreen before stepping out. 

While applying the sunscreen, make sure that it covers all the exposed surfaces of your skin. Use a sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) of 30 and above for better protection. 

6. Drink More Water.

Dehydration causes problems such as dry skin. Therefore, make sure that you are drinking enough water. 

It is recommended to have at least 8 glasses of water in a day. However, the requirement can vary from person to person. 

The thumb rule is that if your urine is pale or clear, you are well hydrated and if it appears yellow or darker, then you need to drink more water.

These simple measures help in keeping your skin moisturized and healthy. However, if you are unable to manage your dry skin with these methods or if you experience excessive peeling or scaling, consult a dermatologist at the earliest.


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