We all come across stress in our lives. Our mouths have just as much of a chance of being affected by stressful situations as our bodies and minds do. Researchers have found a significant link between stress and oral health, helping us better understand what part anxiety and depression take in the development of dental problems. We now know that stress is a contributing factor to the following conditions:

Bruxism - 

Bruxism is excessive teeth grinding and jaw clenching. It is an oral parafunctional activity, Bruxism is a common problem. Several symptoms are commonly associated with bruxism, including hypersensitive teeth, aching jaw muscles, headaches, tooth wear, damage to dental restorations (e.g. crowns and fillings) and damage to teeth can cause us to grind our teeth at night, leading to tooth damage. Risk factors for bruxism, particularly a stressful lifestyle, and this evidence is growing, Some consider emotional stress to be the main triggering factor If you're diagnosed with bruxism, a night guard can be prescribed to protect your jaw.

Dry Mouth- 

When the mouth doesn't produce enough saliva, it can experience chronic dryness. it may caused by stress.

Canker Sores - 

Canker sores are small, shallow ulcers that appear in the mouth and often make eating and talking uncomfortable. one quite knows what exactly causes canker sores, but they are sometimes brought on by stress.

Lichen Planus -

Oral lichen planus is an ongoing (chronic) inflammatory condition that affects mucous membranes inside your mouth. It may appear as white, lacy patches; red, swollen tissues; or open sores. These lesions may cause burning, pain or other discomfort.  Some experts believe lichen planus related to chronic stress.

Temporomandibular joint disorders- 

Stress contributes to temporomandibular joint disorders in many fashions. Trauma and tooth grinding are common causes of TMD, while emotional factors such as anxiety and depression can also trigger symptoms of TMJ.

Periodontal disease - 

Studies have shown that long-term stress affects our immune  systems, increasing our susceptibility to infections such as periodontal disease.

Burning Mouth Syndrome -

Burning mouth syndrome is an idiopathic condition characterized by a chronic continuous burning sensation of intraoral so  tissues, typically involving the tongue, with or without extension to the lips and oral mucosa. It is classically accompanied by gustatory disturbances like dysgeusia and parageusia and subjective xerostomia.  This type is associated with chronic anxiety due to altered sleep pattern and is related to use of antidepressant drugs, which cause xerostomia.