The amount of water you drink (or don’t drink) is directly connected to the extent of your repetitive strain injuries caused by sitting at a desk. When you’re dehydrated, your muscles tense up and tighten much more quickly, opposed to if you were hydrated properly.

“90% of people are actually chronically dehydrated.”

It used to be a rule of thumb to drink 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water per day.

Actually, that is a misconception!

Think about this perspective. When you went to bed, you probably went to bed somewhat dehydrated on purpose. That way, you wouldn’t get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom multiple times. Totally understandable. Good sleep is underrated.

Then, you sleep for 8 hours breathing constantly which depletes even more of the hydration in your body. This is why people are exhausted when they get to work in the morning, even after a good night’s sleep. Then, they drink a cup of coffee because they’re “tired”. People don’t realize the reason they are “tired” is because they’re dehydrated.

So, how much water do I need to drink per day?

The bad news:
It’s impossible to recommend a certain amount of water that is accurate for everybody. There are so many different variables to consider when trying to figure it out. Everyone’s body, workouts, external environments, eating and drinking habits are very different. It’s up to you to figure out exactly how much water you need to drink. Experiment with the same amount for a few days. If you feel good and energetic throughout the day, chances are that you either got it right or are very close. If you feel tired or sluggish at any point in the day (especially the morning), increase your water intake.

Take These 4 Factors Into Consideration:

  1. Temperature – A day laying on the couch with an air conditioner will require a lot less water than a day laying on the beach in the middle of the Summer.
  2. Physical Activity Level – Rest days require a sufficient amount of water, but not as much as an intense workout day.
  3. Body Weight – The more you weigh, the more water you need to drink, simple as that.
  4. Amount of Alcohol, Caffeine, and Sugar Consumption – These 3 guys are the biggest enemies of hydration. Take them in moderation as much as possible. Also, whenever you consume them, make sure you drink some water either before or after. It’ll help with digestion. Also, the alcohol, caffeine, and sugar will have less of a dehydration effect on your body.

Basically, in summary

  • Drink at least one glass of water immediately when you wake up (every morning).
  • Determine your own daily amount 0f water to drink.
  • The healthier you eat, the less water you need to drink.
  • Nutrient-dense, whole foods are very often filled with water. Especially when those foods are fruits and vegetables.
  • The more alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and dairy you consume, the more water you’ll need to drink.

How much water do you currently drink a day? Do you feel like it’s enough? Post a comment below.