Allergies are hyper reactions or sensitivity of the body towards external substances.
Use of Homoeopathy for all types of allergies.
Common complaints seen are:
- Sneezing after exposure to dust, pollens, change of temperature, etc.
- A cough after eating or drinking cold substances, change of seasons, or most common is post viral cough after antiallergic or anti-viral treatment.
- Food allergy after eating certain substances. It may cause skin rashes, itching, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and discomfort.
Our body tries to take care of such problems by using its own immune power, unfortunately when the outer cause is dominant then we get the symptoms.
Homoeopathy doesn’t have any antiallergic specific medicines as such, it just helps the body to boost its own immune system in a natural way. Homeopathy stabilises the sensitivity of body and completely take care of the problem without antiallergic conventional medicine. It saves from all side effects of those medicines, It works so gently and naturally so that any sudden changes or bad allergies can be cured permanently. We are proud to have successfully treated many such cases of different allergies.