
Styes (stys) are lumps in or along the edge of an eyelid. They may be painful or annoying, but they are rarely serious. Styes are more common in children than adults. Some children tend to get regular outbreaks.

What causes a stye?

A stye develops when an oil gland at the edge of an eyelid becomes infected. The lump can grow on the inside or outside of the lid.

The stye is very often caused by bacteria, most commonly Staphylococcus bacteria.

What are the symptoms?

Stye symptoms and signs include:

  • A lump on the eyelid
  • A swelling of the eyelid
  • Redness
  • Pain
  • Burning in the eye
  • Eyelid crusts

Homeopathic treatment for styes

Homeopathic medicines for stye are safe and effective with no side effects. They are FDA regulated and can be purchased over the counter. Children love homeopathic pellets because they are sweet and easy to take.

The most useful homeopathic medicines to treat styes include:

  • Apis mellifica - a pinkish edema of the eyelid with stinging and burning pain. Edema and pain are relieved by cold compresses.
  • Belladonna - a tender red lump on the eyelid with throbbing pain, the eye is sensitive to light.
  • Euphrasia - sensation of sand in the eyes, eyelids are stuck together, red conjunctiva
  • Hepar sulphur - an extremely painful stye in a child prone to acute suppurations, eyelids stuck together with purulent discharge; the child is irritable and touchy. A warm compress speeds the rupture and relieves the pain.
  • Pulsatilla - inflamed eyelids, stuck together with yellowish discharge; symptoms are alleviated by cold compresses; sty is painless or with mild pain; stye is almost always on the upper eyelid; shy and timid child prone to recurrent stye.
  • Silicea works best for preventing recurrent styes; a child prone to lingering suppurations, stye, ENT and urogenital suppurations.
  • Staphysagria - the main medicine for chalazion - a lump in the eyelid that is not painful. Fits best children who tend to suppress their emotion.

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