Our body requires food to function. What kind of food you put into your system will reflect in your health. If you are eating healthy your body will look and feel healthy. But if you are just consuming food that have poor nutrition it will make you look unhealthy, sometimes out of shape, will lead to lifestyle related diseases, overall you will not feel great about yourself.
By following a healthy diet you are ensuring your body is getting adequate nourishment required for the day to day functioning of the body.Being healthy does not mean starving yourself or living on raw fruits and vegetables. Being healthy simply means being more conscious about what you expose your body to. Physical activity is also an important part of being healthy but unless you are eating a healthy diet you will not reap much benefit.
Here are a few dos of a Healthy Diet:
1) Carbohydrates are important as they are the basic energy source of our body. What you actually need to avoid are simple carbohydrates like maida & white bread but keep the complex carbohydrates like whole wheat, oats etc.
2) Eat a variety of natural foods like seasonal vegetables and fruits. Make sure you have at least 4-5 servings of these in a day. Your body requires vitamins & antioxidants to build immunity and stay healthy.
3) Have at least 8-10 glasses of water everyday.
4) You should include dairy for protein, Vitamin A & D, calcium, phosphorous for bone health and better metabolism.
5) Try to have foods that have high biological protein value like eggs, fish, dairy & nuts.
6) Moderation is key. Eat a little bit of everything to get the maximum benefits and stick to less processed food as much as you can.
While we have told you what to do lets also highlight what not to do :
1) Skipping meal is old school. You might think you are cutting down on calories but you are actually depriving your body of key nutrition
2) Avoiding carbohydrates from your diet will make you only feel lethargic and over a period of time it will slow down your metabolism
3) Don’t over eat food just because it is labelled as healthy. Too much of anything can be bad.
Eating healthy is not restricted to people who are unwell or recovering from an illness. A healthy diet should be eaten to maintain general well being o the body. It is when we stop eating healthy that we start putting on weight, falling sick , have poor energy levels & in general not feel 100 percent .
Healthy is also the most used word especially when it comes to marketing a food or beverage. When a food is labelled healthy what does it actually mean .To ensure what you eat is healthy read the nutrition label on the food and understand how that food was created.