At trichoderma clinic we believe that the better informed you are as a patient, the happier you will be with the outcome of your hair restoration

Myth #1

 If you are unsure about having a hair transplant, try a small procedure first to see if the procedure is for you or not 

•Fact: Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure with a permanent result. If you decide that it is not for you after the fact, it is too late. It is best to do your research first and only go forward with hair restoration surgery after you are confident in the procedure, and the physician you have chosen


•A doctor can tell if youhave plenty of hair for a hair transplant just by looking.

Fact: To best assess a person’s donor supply there are several factors that should be taken into account. The physician should examine the person’s scalp using a densitometer, an instrument that magnifies a section of the scalp that can take accurate measurements of hair density. Merely “looking” does not give the doctor enough information for him to decide if a person is a candidate for surgical hair restoration


The larger the number of grafts transplanted in one session the better.

•Fact: Although it is better to move hair in large hair transplant sessions – to minimize donor scarring and have each procedure look as natural as possible – sessions that are too large risk sub-optimal growth and may force the doctor to transplant hair into areas that are not ideal.  Itis important to have a consultation with certified physician to determine the cause of your hair loss, whether or not you are a candidate for surgery, and then, if you are a candidate, about how many grafts would be appropriate

Myth #4

When large numbers ofgrafts are transplanted they do not get enough blood supply.

Fact: The blood supply of the scalp is so great and it is so collateralized (comes from different directions from blood vessels that are all interconnected) that it is able to sustain the growth of thousands of newly transplant grafts at one time. However, there are limitations. If the grafts are too large or if the sites are placed too close together the blood supply can be overwhelmed resulting in poor growth. Also, blood flow is significantly compromised by chronic sun exposure and smoking 

Myth #5

It is better to have a hair transplant when you are young.

Fact: In general, there is greater chance of having a successful hair transplant and a satisfied patient when a person is older, rather than younger.When hair loss starts at an early age, the pattern is unpredictable and the hair loss has a greater chance of being extensive in the future. Also, the permanency of the donor area cannot be determined

Myth #6

Because the newer techniques are so good, most women can benefit from hair transplantation – just like men.

Fact: In spite of the great advances in surgical hair restoration, until the advent of cloning, doctors are still limited by a person’s finite donor supply. In many women who are experiencing hair loss, their donor area is thinning as well as other parts of the scalp, making hair transplantation ineffective

Myth # 7

Large grafts produce more density than smaller grafts.

Fact: Density depends upon the total amount of hair transplanted to a particular area, not the size of the grafts. Larger grafts just result in an unnatural look, not greater overall density. 

Myth #8

Laser hairtransplants are state-of-the-art.

Fact: Although many people think that “laser hair transplants” are a state-of-the-art procedure, lasers were introduced to hair transplantation over a dozen years ago – and are not used by the most experienced hair transplant surgeons. In fact, laser hair transplants are really a misnomer, since the only part of the surgery that lasers have ever been used for is to make the recipient sites (the holes that the grafts are place into )