Most people confuse Hair Thinning and Hair Loss. Both are not the same, although continued hair thinning can lead to hair loss. Hair thinning can happen to both men and women and is usually not only associated with age, although the problem of hair thinning can increase with age.

Hair thinning is the loss of volume in the hair. Thick voluminous hair is what all of us aspire to have. But when the hair does not have sufficient volume, it will look drab and lose its bounce. The major cause of this is of course hair thinning.

It is normal to lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day. With about 100,000 hairs on your head, that small loss isn’t noticeable. Thinning hair can be a normal part of aging or may be due to other causes. As we age, the hair also becomes finer and thinner.

A person may notice hair thinning when looking in the mirror, such as a widening parting or receding hairline, seeing extra hairs on a comb or brush, or changes in how a hairstyle one is fond of keeping doesn’t look all that great now.

Causes of Hair Thinning

There are several reasons why your hair starts to thin.

1. Your Hair Style: Your hairstyle could be one of the reasons. Hairstyles such as ponytails, tying your hair around rollers or a tight plait can cause hair loss.

2. Stressful lifestyle: Leading a stressful life can also be one of the problems that can increase the rate of hair thinning. Divorce, death in the family, job loss, performance anxiety and overexposure to the sun while working could lead to faster hair thinning.

3. Alopecia Areata: This is a condition, often hereditary, which causes hair to fall out in certain patches of the skin. This is caused due to an imbalance in the body’s immune system.

4. Dietary Issues: Lack of adequate Vitamin D and Iron in your diet can often cause hair to thin and begin to fall out. Always ensure that your diet is proper. Consult a dietician if you need to.

5. Thyroid Problem: Thyroid problems can cause hair to thin or be lost. Hormone changes can also affect the hair and some temporary hair loss can happen after pregnancy.

6. Hereditary Issues: Often hair thinning and hair loss are hereditary in nature. Premature baldness in men is the most common such visible case.

7. Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD): If you are suffering from STD, it is not uncommon to start seeing hair thinning and loss of hair which may result in patchy hair. Patchy hair loss is also a common result of scalp fungal infection.

Treatment Solutions

If medical advice is sought about hair loss and hair thinning, a doctor or dermatologist may diagnose hair loss by carrying out a physical examination and checking a person’s medical history.

Further tests may be arranged, especially if there are other symptoms in addition to hair loss or thinning.

Some hair may be pulled out so hair shafts can be microscopically examined for thickness, length, structure and growth phases.

In Men, while 95% of the hair loss is due to male-pattern baldness, a genetic trait, the good news is that if it is not due to any hereditary causes, it can be reversed. Here are some common treatments that are often recommended by dermatologists:

1. Use of Vitamins

Sometimes hair loss is due to vitamin deficiency too. Luckily, a deficiency can be corrected by adding vitamin-rich foods to your diet or using supplementation. Some of the vitamins that enrich your body and boost hair growth are:

  • Fish Oil
  • Oral Zinc Compounds
  • B-Complex Vitamin
  • Iron
  • Vitamin C

Remember always consult a dermatologist before attempting to do self-diagnosis!

2. Medical Drugs & Solutions

There are several medical drugs and solutions which can be safely used to help control hair thinning, hair fall, or to boost hair growth. Some drugs work on stopping the hormone that leads to hair loss while others work on different attributes. I would strongly recommend consulting your nearest dermatologist or doctor before attempting to consume any medical drugs.

3. Hair Thinning Treatments

There are several treatments available to control hair thinning and to boost your hair growth offered by skin and hair clinics. Some of the most popular treatment solutions are -

1. Nutra therapy

2. PRP (Plasma Rich Platelet) treatment

3. Growth factor therapy

Why should you opt for hair thinning treatment?

Hair thinning treatments help regain lost confidence and make you feel special where you are appreciated for your lustrous hair. You feel positive about yourself and start enjoying social gatherings, which you might be avoiding before due to low confidence. Hair thinning treatments improve overall hair quality.

Hair thinning treatment is a boon for females. With long, healthy hair, women can try stylish hairstyles. Similarly for men, having lustrous hair allows you to try different hairstyles.