Ingrown toe nail is very common. All ages are affected by the problem.

What causes of ingrown toenail?

  • Wearing tight shoes.
  • Nylon socks which can barely allowsweating.
  • Poor hygiene of the feet.
  • Frequent washing and using a lot of soap.

How to diagnose ingrown toe nail?

  • Extreme pain around the nail.
  • Swelling around the nail area.
  • Redness
  • Pus might or might not form.

What is the treatment for ingrown toenail?

  • If it is in an early phase, starting on the right antibiotic might avoid surgery.
  • But once pus forms and infection is deep-seated, surgery will usually be required.
  • Surgery involves removing only a wedge of nail, called wedge resection.
  • Surgery is usually done under local anaesthesia.
  • Nerves on either side of your big toe and the ankle area are blocked using local anaesthesia injection.
  • All pus and debris is removed along with a wedge of nail that has curved inward.

Is there any method to avoid recurrences after removal of the toenail?

  • We go the extra mile to prevent recurrences in our centre.
  • We use a cautery agent to apply not only at surgery but daily after to prevent the nail from regrowing in the area
    where removed.

What precautions do I need to take after procedure?

  • Daily dressing needs to be done for a week or so.
  • You need to keep the wound dry at shower time.
  • Daily application of cautery ensures no recurrences.

How do you prevent ingrown toenail in the first place?

  • When nails are cut they are trimmed in a straight manner at the centre of the nail edge. Trimming is avoided at both the edges where the nail curves inward.
  • Frequent nail cleaning below the nail edge to remove dirt will prevent infection.
  • Wearing cotton socks will allow the foot to perspire and avoid sweat pore blockade.