This modern lifestyle may have made you increasingly dependent on microwaving and reheating. 

Call it convenience, necessity, or pure laziness, reheating food is extremely prevalent in Indian homes. However, it has its own flipside. 

Here is a list of foods that you must never reheat along with the reasons:

1. Potatoes: All essential dietary nutrients in potatoes are destroyed by reheating them. This even generates unwanted chemicals that can harm your digestion process. 

2. Mushroom: Reheating mushrooms even at a low temperature is not okay. Like chicken, reheating impacts its protein structure, causing indigestion and heart problems.

3. Chicken: Chicken is an important powerhouse of protein. Reheating cooked chicken in the microwave breaks its vital protein structure, leading to indigestion and bloating.

4. Eggs: Any form of eggs can turn non-edible and even toxic when reheated.

5. Spinach: The vital nutrients, including nitrates in spinach, can turn into nitrites when reheated. The nitrites are known carcinogenic and can generate cancer-causing cells in your body.

6. Celery: Reheating celery has similar effects to reheating spinach. Make sure you finish off your day’s share then and there without storing and reheating.

7. Beets: Reheating beets makes them carcinogenic. Beets also become inedible as their precious nutrients are lost during the process.

8. Turnips: Turnips are a common ingredient in soups and stews. Due to their high amount of nitrates, reheating turnips is not advisable at all. It converts these nitrates into nitrites which make them carcinogenic.

9. Oils: Grapeseed oil, walnut oil, avocado oil, hazelnut oil, and flaxseed oil, all have very low smoke points. That is why, when you reheat them, they become rancid (have a stale smell and taste). So, do avoid using them for cooking, baking or frying!

10. Butter lettuce: You can reap the benefits of this green leafy veggie if you eat it raw. Cook it if you really must, but never ever reheat butter lettuce, as the high amount of nitrates can easily cause food poisoning.

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