Still feel hungry after eating?? certain healthy food which keeps you full should be included in the diet.

Most of the time you feel hungry after your lunch hours at the office and in evening too. People who sleep late and are night shiftier feel hungry after the dinner also.

Here is the list of food which you can eat and include in your daily diet which will help you in keeping you full:

  • EGGS:

Eggs are rich in protein and protein helps you in keeping you full. Adding eggs to your meal will help in keeping you full. combining protein with complex carbohydrate as it will keep you full and prevent from hunger pangs. For example, vegetable sandwich with boil egg, vegetable egg burjhi roll, etc.

  • SOUPS:

Soups are the best healthy food which one can have but one should consume it before 6 p.m. as some people face the problem of water retention if they take soups in late hours. The water content in soup ensures that you feel bit heavy. To remind soups should be without cornflour or ajino moto as it will lead to weight gain problem.


Raw or cooked salads are full of fiber which helps in keeping you full and relieving from constipation problem. It will also help in boosting your metabolism. Salads are low calorific food which will also help in weight loss


Adding whole grain food to your meal will keep you full. One should include complex carbohydrates which will provide you with fiber and keep you full as it will slow down the digestion process which will keep you full. For example, brown rice, oats, multigrain bread, multigrain flour, etc


They are full of fiber and they are fully filled with nutrition content but again the portion size is the main key as beans are high in calories. So, one should take beans with lots of veggies.


Apples are rich in vitamin-C content and they are also rich in antioxidants and fiber. They reduce your hunger pangs and are also less in calories. Apples take a longer time to chew and digest and chewing food for longer period of time reduces your hunger.


Green veggies are rich in vitamin, mineral, fiber and antioxidants. Eating sauteed veggies in salad form will reduce your hunger. They will take longer time for digestion so it will keep you full.

Adding these foods to your diet will help you in keeping full.

Enjoy your journey to health.!!