Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues. Fibromyalgia amplifies painful sensations by affecting the way your brain processes pain signals.
- Fibromyalgia predominantly affects women. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source, it’s twice as common in women as it is in men. While anyone can get fibromyalgia, hormones are thought to be a possible explanation for this gender bias.
- Although fibromyalgia sufferers may experience pain throughout their body, they will have increased sensitivity at the trigger points, each of which are about the size of a penny.
- Load up on vitamin D: Mushrooms are a great dietary source of vitamin D, which can improve pain in people with fibromyalgia.
- Fish: Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish, like salmon, walnuts, oatmeal and flax seed, are known to reduce inflammation and their soreness-reducing traits also help pain patients.
- Buckwheat-This gluten-free grain is another great source of malic acid, which helps soothe tired and sore muscles.
- Must have foods in your diet figs- These fun fruits are packed with malic acid, a key nutrient for fibromyalgia. It reduces inflammation, pain, and tenderness.
- Chili peppers, like cayenne and other peppers, contains capsaicin. This compound improves muscle pain temporarily in people with fibromyalgia as well as arthritis. To use, apply a homemade cayenne ointment to sore joints and muscles 3-4 times a day and incorporate peppers into your diet a few times a day. If you have stomach acid issues such as heartburn or gastric ulcers, you may want to skip this one.
- Pineapple- This fruit is an amazing food for people with fibromyalgia mainly thanks to its bromelain content. This enzyme works just as well as NSAIDs in reducing joint pain and inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Avoid if on blood thinners.
- Avoid caffeine and sugars in your diet.
- Reduce Stress: Reduce stressful influences as far as possible as stress worsens symptoms and add Magnesium, which will help your body cope better with stress and relax muscles. Magnesium is also useful for reducing pain levels and improving sleep. Spinach, kale, swiss chard and other leafy greens are a great source of magnesium.
- Do regular breathing exercises -poor breathing habits contribute to many aspects of fibromyalgia:
- Sit in a chair with arms and rest your own arms on them as comfortably as you can.
- Press down with your arms so that you are not letting your shoulders come up towards your ears.
- Breathe -ensure that your abdomen moves outwards at the start of inhalation (breathing in). This will guarantee that your diaphragm is moving properly and flattens at the end of each breath.
- Inhale through your nose only, counting slowly up to 2 or 3.
- Without pausing to hold the breath, exhale slowly through your mouth with your lips pursed (as when kissing), to a count of 4, 5 or 6.
- The breath-out should be slow and continuous. Repeat inhaling and exhaling.
- Eventually you should be able to make the exhalation phase last to a count of 8. Repeat until you’ve done at least 10 cycles.
- Do this for a few minutes every hour if you are anxious or if stress is increasing.