We all feel fatigue sometimes due to various reasons like if you travelled long distance, worked till late night but feeling of tiredness becomes normal state of living then it is important to fix it. In today's busy world it is very common problem to feel fatigue physically or mentally.
Symptoms of fatigue
*laziness * lack of energy * weakness * heaviness in stomach all the time* not feeling fresh after waking up even after good hours of sleep*dizziness *palpitations * headache * bodyache * short breath * sleeplessness * mood swings * low appetite * low concentration * slow response or action.
Causes of fatigue and their solution
By closely watching your daily activity you can find your reason of fatigue as only by removing cause you can feel calm, energetic and enthusiastic in your daily life.
* Overuse of mind, body and emotion- if you are working or even exercising more than your capacity and sleeping less then it will cause physical or mental fatigue.
* Misuse of mind, body and emotion- if you are doing something against your nature or abilities then it will also leave you with a feeling of stress.
* Lack of use of mind, body and emotion- if you are not working according to your capacity and sleeping more, than also you feel fatigue.
Solution of above causes of fatigue is to stop above mentioned activities and use mind, body and emotion in a balanced way.
* Improper and irregular diet- it causes all three types of fatigue as due to improper diet like fast food, cold drinks, caffeine, ice-cream, packed and processed food produces ama(toxins) in body. Nutritional deficiencies and irregular timing of food also causes tiredness.
* Diseases- many disorders like high or low blood sugar, high or low thyroid function, sleep disorders, etc also cause fatigue.
All the three doshas aggravated in fatigue but Kapha is mainly disturbed in physical fatigue, Vata in mental fatigue and Pitta in emotional fatigue. According to aggravated dosha pacifying diet and lifestyle should be followed.
* Stop smoking and alcohol
* Take ayurvedic massage or abhyang
* Herbs like Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Shatavari, Amla, Saffron, Shilajit etc are helpful. Ayurvedic formulations like Chyawanprash, Dasamoolarishtam, drakshasava, drakshavaleha, aswagandharishtam etc are also beneficial but should be taken only after doctor prescription.
* Include spices like ginger, black pepper, turmeric, cinnamon etc. in food to improve digestion.
* Consume fresh and seasonal fruit, vegetables, ghee and easy to digest food.
*Have your food at fixed times.
* Follow regular routine even on weekends .
* Avoid mental work right before sleeping.
* Sleep early and on fix time.
* Do yoga, pranayam and meditation according to aggravated dosha.