Adenoids are lymph tissue masses that are located in the pharynx just behind the nose. They act as a protective barrier to infections entering the respiratory tract. They trap harmful germs that enter through the mouth or nose and also produce antibodies to fight infection. Adenoids become less significant as the body develops immunity with growing up; they become smaller and gradually disappear. They cause no symptoms by the time your child reaches his or her teenage years. Adenoids can swell up again in adulthood because of infection, but this isn’t common


  • Bacterial or viral infections can cause inflammation and swelling of adenoids resulting in a condition called adenoiditis.
  • They can block your child’s nose and throat. If both your child's adenoids and tonsils are enlarged, it may make it more difficult to breathe or swallow.
  • This particularly affects more when a child is asleep, causing snoring or may stop the child's breath for a few seconds.
  • They can also block or cover the tubes that join the nose to the ear (the Eustachian tubes). These tubes help to drain fluid from your child’s ears and keep the right amount of pressure in the ears. If they stop working properly, your child may have hearing problems or develop an ear infection.
  • It can also cause sinusitis in some children.


•    Sore throat

•    Stuffy nose

•    Swollen glands in the neck

•    Ear pain and other ear problems

•    When the nose is stuffy, breathing through it can be a challenge. Other symptoms of adenoiditis related to nasal congestion include:

  • Breathing through the mouth
  • Speaking with a nasal sound, as if you are speaking with a pinched nose. Trouble in producing certain letters like “M”
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Snoring or sleep apnea (a condition where you stop breathing for a short amount of time during sleep)


Breathing problems and sleep apnea may result in incomplete sleep which in turn leads to tiredness all day long, behavior problem, short attention span, etc. Regular ear infections can cause glue ear and hearing loss. Severe hearing loss can affect a child’s speech and understanding. It can also affect the behavior and child’s performance at school.


•    Nutritious diet and good ventilation helps us to prevent infections

•    Avoid cold and acidic drinks

•    Avoid canned food items with preservatives, sauces, packed juices, etc

•    Avoid cold damp and overcrowded places


Conventional medicine treats adenoids either by managing symptoms or going for adenoidectomy. But surgery should be avoided as adenoids, as well as tonsils, form the first line of defense against germs entering through the respiratory tract. Their removal makes our body more susceptible to recurrent respiratory infections. So, even after surgery, immunity against infections may remain low.

Homeopathy has  gentle solutions for adenoids


Homeopathy can completely reverse the inflammation and enlargement of glands without surgery. It strengthens the immune system of the body so that recurrent infections are resisted. It provides painless relief with easily palatable pills. The treatment is tailor-made where the medicine is prescribed according to the personality of the individual. It provides a safe and effective solution to cure enlarged adenoids and tonsils.

The treatment works in two stages- Primarily, it treats the acute complaints and discomfort; then it strengthens the immune system to tackle recurrent respiratory infections. Adenoids shrink back in due course of time in a safe, gentle and natural way.

So, go for Homeopathy to ensure a comfortable childhood for your kid!