COPD: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Women Is Related to Abortion Drugs. Chronic Obstructive lung disease is slow, irreversible and gets worse due to smoke, pollution & stress.
In India, it is associated with men who smoke or work outdoors for long hours exposed to pollutants and smoke plus stress of work in hot & humid atmosphere for most of the days in polluted Delhi.
Women who undergo mid trimester MTP are induced to have delivery like pains by medicine called Prostaglandins.
PGf2 alpha has been in India for the past 40 years.
It was tried for advanced MTPs at AIIMS year 1975'
Low doses of this medicine was given by I/V route diluted with 5% dextrose solution and drops were counted to be 20/minute to augment labor, to ease the pain and to have a normal delivery without tiring the woman for 1-2 days.But doctor was around to monitor the side effects if any.
For purposes of carrying out MTPs 100 times dose was used by I/m injections.
Pains start and injections are repeated if pains are of low frequency till the time process is over.
Side effects of Prostaglandins are
1) High Fever
2) Chronic lung disease.
High fever just after MTP can be confusing about it being due to infection or as a side effect. As a safety more antibiotics are infused to avoid complications.
During her youth ,a wheeze like sound on chest can be called just another reaction to polluted air, whereas in reality it is starting of COPD.
Women keep getting medicines under presumptions of being asthamatics but in reality they are suffering from a respiratory disease worse than asthma.
It is slowly progressive , degenerating and God forbid if ever she requires general anesthesia for any abdominal surgery like for gall stones ,she is at risk of general anesthesia too ,besides routine risks of abdominal surgery.
Is This Not a Reason enough to Scare Away a Woman Asking for Selective Abortions to Get Rid Of the Girl Child ?
If Every Doctor Explains to woman to be More Concerned on Living Girls Rather than Running after Unknown , May be she Changes her Decision and Accepts the Will of God.
She has to live Healthy After Menopause at 50 or She wants her Living Daughters to have a Huffing and Puffing Mother who is on Respiratory Medicines all Through Their Growing up years ?
Young Woman Wants to Fight Destiny , Fight with God to have given her Daughters only.
Leaders will give daughters Slogans like Beti Bachao Beti Padao.
If we as Doctors Could Change Her Mindset to Be More Concerned About Living and Her Own Life, Her Own Responsibilities for her Daughters, our Degree is Justified Medically and Socially.