Most people have headaches from time to time and usually require no medical attention; however a daily/almost daily headache is definitely a cause for worry. Consult a Psychiatrist if:

  • You usually have two or more headaches a week
  • You take a pain reliever for your headaches on most days
  • You need more than just one tablet of pain killer to relieve your headaches
  • Your headache pattern changes or your headaches worsen
  • Your headaches are disabling and you are unable to get on with daily life.

Both Migraine as well as Tension Type headache are extremely common and can run a chronic disabling course.

Tension-Type Headache may have a presentation with:

  • Pain that affects both sides of the head
  • Pain that feels pressing or tightening
  • Tenderness to touch on the head

Migraines tend to have the following features:

  • Affect one side or both sides of your head
  • Have a pulsating, throbbing sensation
  • Cause moderate to severe pain
  • Are aggravated by routine physical activity

And they cause at least one of the following:

  • Nausea, vomiting or both
  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Irritability/ anxiety/sadness/mood swings